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Was working as a Plumbers Mate for about 6 months and got my Level 2 qualification. Enjoyed the job and wanted to make a career of it. Got into some trouble, lost the job and got sentenced to 19 months prison, did 9 months and now released on license. Job I had won't have me back so need to get somewhere else. Have just started making a few enquiries with a few other places I knew and not offered anything. Don't know if they really don't have anything or they know about me and have me down as trouble or something. My old place won't give me areference. I thought I would be easy enough getting work after getting out. Might have to look a bit away from home.

Just want to know if you think I will have a problem getting work now. I have a year missing on my CV and don't want to lie about it but don't want it to hold me back as I have done my whack. I know I could come up with something about travelling or a sick relative but I'd probably get found out. Would you have a problem taking on someone who had been in prison or would you give them a chance?
What area are you in? Might get lucky.

Both of my apprentices have done time and one is currently on license. Unfortunately, some people will take it as a red flag and that’s for you to bear.

You’ll probably have better luck with a smaller firm. I haven’t even seen a CV for either of my apprentices. Anyone can write want they want, I’m not wasting my time checking it all.
I get guys in, have a chat and then potentially get them out for a day. It doesn’t take long to get a read on someone.

If you’re trying change your life, I’ll give people ago. I’m sure others will.

You’ll have to try 50% harder to find that opportunity. Don’t give up, if you want it, make it happen.

You’ll get knocked back, don’t lose motivation, don’t ever get rude, who knows where you’ll be or who you’ll meet in the future.

Don’t lie, honesty is a good trait, don’t tarnish it before you’ve even started by lying about your past.

Anyways, enough of a rant, you’ve paid your dues, keep your head up and when you get an opportunity, do everything in your power not to Damn it up.

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Yep spot on